Trauma-informed wellbeing for all in 2024

Navigating pathways towards healing and thriving, together.

The vision of Wagtail Institute is for all children to have a safe and magical childhood with support from adults who believe in their future.

But how do we do this?

  1. Well Adults

It starts with us, the adults. Our vision can only come to life when we, the adults, are “well.” We need to be practicing what it means to be trauma-informed and to be committed to collective wellbeing.

We can take opportunities to learn about wellbeing, to understand ourselves, and to recognise our interconnectedness. We need to accept the role we have in the healing, and thriving, of ourselves and others.

2. Trauma-informed practice

Trauma-informed practice is more than a set of principles, and more than just something we apply to our clients and students.

It is a way of being with each other.

Becoming trauma-informed requires us to understand the impact of trauma, how it can be healed, how it can be prevented, and what our role looks like along the way.

3. Embedding wellbeing science

We don’t want to stop at just the prevention and healing of trauma, but we want to enhance wellbeing, too.

Embedding wellbeing science and positive psychology interventions in our work and life enables us to feel good and function well. This means we can improve our life satisfaction, while also increasing our capacity to effectively contribute to the wellbeing of others.

4. Co-creating the pathway

Each individual and each community is unique. No one-size-fits-all workshop or program is going to meet the needs of your community.

Wagtail Institute is committed to co-creating trauma-informed wellbeing strategies that work for you, your staff, and your students or clients.

We listen to your story and navigate the next steps, together.

Schedule a chat

It all starts with a conversation.

Each community and situation is unique, let’s talk about yours.

Send an email: to request a call.


Worried about young people after work hours? Here are some strategies that might help.


3 wellbeing strategies for when the world is pretty heavy.