Wag Tales Podcast Ep 1: Transformative power of music therapy with Ronen Shoshan

We’ve started a podcast!

Megan Corcoran had been reflecting on some of the biggest learning opportunities that have happened throughout her career. More often than not, those opportunities happened through meeting amazing people and sharing in conversations.

So, here we are- recording those conversations from our very own studio on all things trauma, healing, education and wellbeing.

Ronen Shoshan from the Mind Tune Institute joined Megan as the first guest on the Wag Tales podcast.

Ronen is a counsellor, music therapist, student of psychology, father, ex-teacher and life-long musician.

We cover where music therapy began, the transformative benefits for trauma-affected clients, practical steps individuals can take towards healing, what the education system could(should) look like + Ronen’s obsession with Frank Zappa.

You can stick around and listen here or you will find the episode available on all the usual platforms. Click your preferred way of listening.



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From trauma-affected to trauma-informed staff wellbeing


We Lead Well Podcast